
Janet Philbin - Conscious Parenting & Showing up for Yourself

Lucia Hargasova Season 1 Episode 16

In this episode, we are talking to our guest Janet Philbin, a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach who studied with the incredible Dr.Shefali Tsabary, pioneer of the idea of conscsios parenting. Janet is also clinical social worker, hypnotherapist, energy healer but recently an author of an award-winning book Show Up for Yourself.

We talk about what does being a Conscious parent actually mean and how this incredibly powerful approach is actualy a journey to yourself. The idea that our children are the mirror.

While we think it’s our responsibility to mold and shape our children’s future, the essential premise of Conscious Parenting is that our children are born to us to create deep internal transformation within us.

Every parent wants the golden key to raising well-behaved, academically gifted, successful, happy children. Embedded in the collective psyche is the notion that discipline is the cornerstone to achieving these goals. This approach is about CONNECTION before CORRECTION.

It is always up to us, and only us as parents, to break the old patterns and behaviors from our own parents, and their parents, and heal our own inner child and transform.

In her book Show Up for Yourself, Janet guide you as you give your inner child a voice you can finally hear. You will be able to observe the faulty thoughts, lies, stories, and fears that you’ve held dear for so long. In so doing, you will be placed at the start of a rewarding journey to healing.
This thought-provoking and the old-story-breaking book will help you discover:
-What a trigger really is and how to understand it from a new vantage point
-The Spiral of Healing, and the ways it beautifully allows you to tap into your own ability to heal at a cellular level.
Have the stories of the past ruled your life and made your decisions for long enough? It’s time to set yourself free by getting to the root of your discomfort in order to deeply know your true s

About our guest:
Janet Philbin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 28 years of experience. She is a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Master An-Ra energy healer and Certified Intuitive counselor. Janet is also a Hypnosynergistic® Therapy practitioner and an Author of an award-winning book Show Up for Yourself published in April 2020 (perfect timing)

Janet studied with Dr. Shefali Tsabary and completed her training in Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Coaching Method Institute. She has been teaching Conscious Parenting workshops since 2017. She is passionate about teaching and helping parents awaken to help them develop strong connections with their children and themselves. Her goal is for parents to be able to honor the spirit and essence of their children.



Get your copy of my award winning book here on Amazon.

About Our Host: Lucia Hargasova is a Leadership and Life  Coach. She currently works with international clients such as entrepreneurs, executives and coaches. She combines strategic thinking  and marketing intelligence with spiritual and emotional awareness, bringing to  the table 15+ years of solid business and marketing experience

